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‘NACOM’ Plans Underway for 2009

Planning is now under way for the North American Congress on Mercy (NACOM), with the Marians of the Immaculate Conception providing key strategic direction.

NACOM will take place Nov. 14-15, 2009, in Washington, D.C. Organizers are focusing on specific plenary sessions, agenda items, and venues as part of an extensive follow-up to the World Apostolic Congress on Mercy held in April this year in Rome. There may also be an ecumenical and inter-religious gathering on the evening of Friday, Nov. 13, 2009. Following the main event, regional and diocesan events will continue in North America through 2010. Some preparatory events are also being planned for earlier in 2009.

Father Kazimierz Chwalek, MIC, Marian director of Evangelization and Development, serves as NACOM vice president. NACOM President Fr. Matthew M. Mauriello, a pastor of a parish in Bridgeport, Conn., in opening a planning session July 15 on Eden Hill in Stockbridge, Mass., thanked and acknowledged the Marians for their “outstanding contributions to this enormous outreach effort for mercy.”

Father Mauriello announced plans to form an executive committee consisting of Church leaders in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. These leaders will provide NACOM with direction and support.

Though planning for NACOM is in its early stages, Fr. Kaz says he is excited about the gathering’s possibilities for ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue. “We will borrow from the World Congress and make this event in Washington an ecumenical and inter-religious gathering.”

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Moderator – Feb 25, 2009

Our special NACOM web page will keep you up to date on all the latest news regarding the Mercy Congress. We are currently gathering information on lodging opportunities. We will make that information available within the next few weeks. As to the Divine Mercy Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on June 27, please call Margaret Bieza, 651-778-1941, for more information.

Rita Oliver – Feb 21, 2009

I was not able to attend WACOM, but want very much to attend NACOM. When will there be information concerning housing arrangements during NACOM? I am from Minnesota and have never visited the Washington, DC area. Will there be information such as this coming in future?

Also, in the Marian Helper magazine, there are listed Divine Mercy events for different areas of the country on page 10. Will there be any details coming concerning the Divine Mercy Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota on June 27th, 2009?

I very much want to attend both the local conference and NACOM so that I can share what I learn with my Bishop. So far, my efforts to communicate the message of Divine Mercy through our diocesan newspaper haven’t been successful, YET!

Ann Ambrogi – Feb 19, 2009

Howq do I get to attend the Congress. I would love to help and I live in Fredericksburg Virginia

Tom Kuna-Jacob – Feb 9, 2009

Praise the Divine Mercy! I hope the Meeting: “Toward a New Christian Alliance”, scheduled to take place just prior to the NACOM, could change its name to: “Toward a New Alliance of Religions”, in accordance with the “seven horns of the Lamb” (Rev. 5:5-6), and Vatican II’s declaration on the various different world religions, and which “seven horns” the AWPJ (“Assoc. for World Peace, Justice and the Messianic-Charismatic Dev. of Peoples”) interprets as the seven great world religions, at the propitious time for each, organized into 7 new rites of the Catholic Church, with their diverse streams, traditions and denominations, organized into semi-autonomous Orders of their respective Rites, each and all in Pro-Life Eucharistic Communion with the Apostolic Holy See.

Also, I hope that that Conference prior to the NACOM choose as its first theo-political effort, the following:

That the Legislatures of the 50 States pass non-binding resolutions petitioning the US Congress to initiate an Amendment to the US Constitution lifting the protections of the First Amendment from speech and press which is pornographic and/or meaninglessly violence-graphic, except to the minimum extent necessary to inform about the facts of history or current events, or as protected by Constitutional expressions of licit religion.

This to suppress such terrible films that their names should not even be expressed on this site, some of which have shown actual, gruesome murders.

We are spearheading the formation of a Central-Illinois Ministerial Alliance around this, and the NACOM and the Divine Mercy in particular.

Anyone wishing to read our organizing letter and draft US Constitutional Amendment is invited to e-mail us at:
[email protected]

Bob Allard – Jan 13, 2009

There will be a Divine Mercy Conference in Orlando on February 21st at the National Shrine of Mary, Queen of the Universe. Registration information will be available on January 16th on . This conference is geared towards priests and lay leaders in the Church who want to make the most out of Mercy Sunday.

Hope to see you all there in February.

Robert R. Allard, Director
Apostles of Divine Mercy

Olga E. Blake – Jan 13, 2009

I was blessed to have attended the World Congress on Mercy (WACOM), in Rome, April 2008. I received a healing miracle. I am looking forward to November,2009. Here goes a special “Hi” to all those pilgrims who were there with me.

Peace & Love of Christ,

Olga E. Blake

Miss Ronni – Nov 16, 2008

+JMJ It would have been very nice to have been able to attend the Congress in Rome Italy, but wasn’t able to do so. Now, I am just elated to learn that the Nov 2009 will take place in the holy Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, just 2 hrs from Richmond VA!! It is my prayerful hope that we can generate interest and charter buses to attend at least one day of the Congress. Blessed be God forever! These are some tyring times (what else is new under the Sun?) yet as Our Lord promised He would not leave us orphans! Thanking all organizers in advance for all their preparations! Be assured that this event will be promoted in Richmond and that interested souls here will pray entrusting all to Jesus through Mary and Joseph, Miss Ronni

Tony & Ethel Lapitan – Sep 20, 2008

We think that it would be a wonderful decision to hold a regional congress in Florida. We think that the Tampa Bay area would be a most central location. We would be very happy to work with you on arrangements for such a congress. We have access to four cenacles of Divine Mercy within the Diocese of St. Petersburg and perhaps even ten. A good central place is St. Lawrence parish in Tampa. We would be interested in getting additional comments.

Bob Allard – Sep 4, 2008

Incredible… almost exactly 10 years since the great Divine Mercy Symposium in Washington D.C. back in 1999. I am very excited about this NACOM. Can we organize one in Florida early in 2009 to help prepare for Mercy Sunday 2009?

Anyone interested, contact me at our website:

Sincerely for souls,

Robert R. Allard