With the world watching, Pope Benedict echoed the words of Pope John Paul II and urged the world to trust in Jesus live the message of Divine Mercy.
Photo by: Dan Valenti

Father Prince Adelaayitar of Ghana captures the moment during the opening procession on April 2.
Photo by: Felix Carroll

The spirit of Pope John Paul II was present during Mass. The Mass was held on the third anniversary of the death of the "Great Mercy Pope."
Photo by: Felix Carroll

Father Michael Callea, MIC, right, is a coordinator for the Marian's Congress pilgrimage.
Photo by: Felix Carroll

The Mass drew cardinals, bishops, priests and other religious from around the world.
Photo by: Felix Carroll

By the time Pope Benedict delivered his homily, there was no mistaking that Divine Mercy would be the focus of the congress. During talks on Wednesday, the image of Divine Mercy was front and center.
Photo by: Felix Carroll

Father Kaz Chwalek, MIC, leads the Marians' pilgrimage through the streets of Rome on Wednesday, April 2.
Photo by: Felix Carroll

Following the opening Mass, Cardinal Schonborn of Austria, Cardinal Ruini of Italy, and Cardinal Dziwisz of Poland welcome pilgrims from around the world at the Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano.
Photo by: Felix Carroll